Feedback from the couples I worked with is the most important thing for me. I am truly dedicated to what I do, and if my couples can see this and write lines like these after their wedding, I know I am on the right track…

Here it is, words that keep me moving:

Dear Misi, we would like to thank you for being part on one of the most important days of our life.

You were always there and worked to make this day as unforgettable and full of great memories as it was. Quite a few guests remarked already there what a great choice you were, how enthusiastic and professional you are and they really grew to like you a lot! But it is more important that we do, too! Attila (my husband, finally!) will never forget how you helped him with the tie in the last moment before entering the church, or how you urged him to do the speech that ended up a roaring success. During the reception everyone learned your name in an instant, you were fun and entreating, and you can be sure that we will recommend you to all of my friends in the future, because you deserve it. Thank you again, a hundred times!

(Detti &Attila)

Profi, határozott, de mégis laza és humoros módon vezényelted le az egész napot

Kedves Misi! Rövid kis nyaralásunk után most kezdünk visszarázódni a hétköznapokba, de még mindig olyan, mintha tegnap lett volna az esküvő. 😀 Szeretnénk még egyszer megköszönni a sok segítséget, ötletet, támogatást, amit Tőled kaptunk. Akárkivel beszéltünk a résztvevők közül az esküvő óta, Téged mindegyikük kiemelt, hogy milyen profi, határozott, de mégis laza és humoros módon vezényelted le az egész napot – és mi magunk is pontosan így éreztük. Sokat segített a hozzáállásod abban, hogy mi is igazán felszabadultan, feszültségmentesen ünnepelhessünk a szeretteinkkel. Feltétlenül ajánlani fogunk Téged ismerőseinknek, bár a jelenlévőknek már nem kell különösebben reklámozni… 🙂 Még egyszer nagyon nagyon köszönjük a közreműködésedet, további (hasonlóan) jó munkát kívánunk, reméljük még nagyon sok párnak fogod megkönnyíteni/megszépíteni a nagy napját!

(Juli & Botond, Columbus Hajó – Budapest)

Dear Misi, We can't thank you enough for the amazing work you did in our wedding.

Your genuine interest in us as a couple before the day was crucial to ensure that every message and moment conducted by you fit exactly what we dreamed. Your light and classy way of delivering messages and conducting the party were fantastic and the kids were hypnotized every time they saw you talking. Your experience as a filmmaker also helped us to have so many beautiful pictures (we can’t wait to see them all). We don’t think we could have chosen better!!Thank you so much!

(Lia & Gergely – Fisherman’s Bastion – Budapest)

Our Wedding with you in the spotlight was fantastic!

You are fantastic! You co-ordinated events spotlessly, we really did get the Attention We Deserve. We felt like the Princess and Prince Charming throughout the day and had the best time of our lives yet! Thank you, we will make sure to spread the news you exist!


A wicked combination of your humour, entertainment and spontaneity!

Dear Misi, We would once again like to thank you for helping us throughout our big day and making sure everything went flawlessly. A wicked combination of your humour, entertainment and spontaneity while still being strict to make sure every part of wedding program is fitting in, impressed our guests who still compliment us on you and ask us “Where did you find that guy? He’s amazing!”. We think it’s a feedback for itself 🙂 – For us, best proof how great you were is that actually we didn’t see you sticking out as MC but being a member of (part of) the wedding.

Thanks again for splendid day!

(Aniko & Drago – Spoon Boat – Budapest)

What a host, what a nice guy you are!

I couldn’t write thank you enough times… I hope every sip of this red wine will make you think back of the unforgettable day and night we were lucky to spend with the Girls’ Team and You. You really made ours a special day and for this, we will ever be grateful!

(Nic & Ben)

Okay, my Grandmother is in love with you!

Jokes aside, Thank you my Man! You were everything you promised you’d be. Plus more. A lot more. First I did not even see why we needed an MC for the wedding, now, thinking back to it, I cannot think how we would have coped without your help. To those reading this here and now: Do Not Look Any Further! You’ve Found Him!

(Eszter & Mark)


Preparing a spectacular " Bubble Run" at a wedding